Health care decisions should be made by health care professionals, not by the government.
Rigid, government-mandated nurse staffing ratios would replace the judgment of professional local nurses and doctors with strict, arbitrary state standards. It is essential that these experienced professionals have flexibility when responding to diverse patient and resident needs that can evolve and change quickly.
The bill's $3 billion annual cost will divert funding away from vital services.
Hospitals and nursing homes will be forced to cut vital health care programs such as cancer screenings, opioid treatments, mental health services, domestic violence programs and pre- or post-natal care. Many rural and community hospitals and nursing homes operate on razor thin operating margins. This mandate would force facilities already struggling to remain viable to decrease services or close their doors completely.
Nurse staffing ratios would drive up costs at a time when health care funding is already at risk.
This staffing mandate, on top of the ever-present threat of Federal health care cuts, will put substantial financial burdens on New York’s providers, and ultimately drive up costs for patients.
There is no data to support government-mandated nurse staffing ratios.
No credible scientific studies or reports have found that government-mandated, one-size-fits-all nurse staffing ratios improve patient care. California’s government-mandated nurse staffing ratios show no direct correlation to improved patient safety and outcomes.
Nurse staffing ratios will dramatically increase emergency room wait times, delay lifesaving care services, and threaten quality of care.
Government-mandated nurse staffing ratios would force hospitals to send patients to hospitals farther away. Hospitals would be prevented from admitting patients if the number of nurses on duty does not comply with the mandated ratio. The law would prevent hospitals from providing urgent and critical care, even in the event of an unexpected influx of patients.